We use WordPress
Responsive Web Design
WordPress was first released in 2003 and first used by Alexander Pro Design in 2019. We have been coding and developing websites on HTML since 2006. It has been one of the best ways to create websites until WordPress becomes much more stable and powerful recently. When WordPress released it’s 5.0 version we took the leap to learn the application and now exclusively recommend it for all new website designs.

Supports Multiple Devices
All our websites is compatible with mobile, tablets, and desktop computers.

Improves Usability
The websites is not only easily usable after creation but easily editable when going into the administration panel.

Increases Performance
With WordPress and Plugins there are numerous options for a fast loading website.
Using the most modern tool

we cater different designs
We design every website differently for our clients or make it similar to their goals. We begin our custom theme development with raw HTML/CSS. We then move it into WordPress and get your business theme into the website to make it custom to your liking.
And of course, all themes are responsive and offer a seamless experience across all devices.
Today WordPress powers one of every 6 websites on the Internet, nearly 60 million in all, with 100,000 more popping up each day. – Forbes.com”
from start to finish
Having a website up is only the first step. It has to be professional, attractive, and most importantly working correctly. Alexander Pro Design focuses on a beautiful design so your clients are impressed starting at the home page. With a great business comes necessary for a great website.